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Mar 17, 2024
3 min read

A better way to search arrays in Postgres

Learn how to efficiently search arrays in PostgreSQL using the ANY operator and GIN indexes for better performance
#PostgreSQL #Database #Performance #Tutorial
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Postgres Elephant

Table of Contents

  1. Example
  2. No Indexes
  3. Index on org_id
  4. Can we do better? Enter Gin Index on tag_ids
  5. Can we do even better? Enter Partial Index
  6. Enter btree_gin extension
  7. Summary
  8. Improvements


Assume resources Expense, Tag, and Org.

  • 5M Expenses
  • 10 Orgs
  • 2K Tags
create table expenses(
   id serial primary key,
   org_id integer not null,
   tag_ids integer[] not null

insert into expenses 
       1+id%9 org_id, 
      generate_series(1, 5000000) id
   join lateral (
          i%5000000 pid, 
          array_agg(round(random() * 2000)) user_ids
      from generate_series(1, 5.5*5000000) i
      group by i%5000000
   ) gi on pid=id

Roughly every expense can have 5 tags. We need to be able to list all expenses in an org with a certain tag.

The org_id filter in most cases comes from access layers where a user with a token can access the data of one org only for which the session is active.

    expenses ex
    and ex.tag_ids @> '{7}'

Note: @> is ‘contains’ operator Postgresql: functions-array

No Indexes

Execution Time: 1682.684 ms

Index on org_id

create index on expenses(org_id);
Execution Time: 228.352 ms

Improvement of 7.3x

Can we do better? Enter Gin Index on tag_ids

create index on expenses(org_id);
create index on expenses using gin (tag_ids);
Execution Time: 43.473 ms

Improvement of another 5.2x

Can we do even better? Enter Partial Index

create index on expenses using gin (org_id, tag_ids);
ERROR:  data type integer has no default operator class for access method "gin"

Enter btree_gin extension

create extension btree_gin;
create index on expenses using gin (org_id, tag_ids);

Execution Time: 7.293 ms

Improvement of another 5.9x


Time: 1682.68 -> 228.35 -> 43.47 -> 7.29ms


  • total: 230x
  • from just org_id index: 31x

Postgres provides you with an extension out of the box called ‘btree_gin’.

btree_gin provides sample GIN operator classes that implement B-tree equivalent behavior for simple non-composite data types.
